October 8, 2011

Stitching It All Together - Part 3

At Last it has come together
Success at last! This time I went out side with another plan. I stead of trying to bring the ends up and together in one hit like I had been trying in the past. I would try and do it one stitch at a time. I would put the stitch in place that was 6 holes back from the end on every plank, then move to the other end and do the same thing. Then do the holes that were 5 in from the end and so on creeping towards the ends, making sure that everything was lining up as went. With about 3 holes to go before I got to the ends it was getting very hard to line them up by hand because the planks were under so much pressure but they were now close enough that is was able to slip the specially made clamp over the end and hold it in place while I did the last few stitches. Then I did the stitches that ran down the very ends of the canoe and it was done. It even looked like a canoe now it felt great to have finally got it together. Although the stiches had drawn blood more than once i concidered that just part of the price I had to pay.

The is the clamp I used to hold it all together

It's a hull

The Bow of the Sassafras 16

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