October 5, 2011

Stitching It All Together - Part 2

The hull shape after the second night of
trying to pull it together
After a couple of days thinking I headed back out to try and pull the ends together. I had a few new ideas to try but nothing worked. A special helper, my wife, was going to come down and give me a hand as well she would be able to put stitches in while if tried to push planks in to the right place. She would also be the voice of reason sitting on my shoulder to say stop that is just not working.

The main problem was that as you bend the ends up they would not line up the planks that were meant to sit on the outside would jump over on to the inside and I could not get them to move back without undoing a lot of stiches and starting again. I made some braces to hold the ends in place if I could ever get them close in to the position they were meant to be.

I tried putting a strap around the hull to try and pull it in to a more rounded shape. I tried putting in a piece of wood to spread them out in the middle to stop too much shape. I tried many different ideas but nothing would work. By the end of the night we had made no progress and I had been scratched of all of the stitches on the outside as I tried to bear hug the hull in to shape.

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