October 28, 2011

Gluing the Seams

Now it is time to glue all of the planks together. I turned the boat upside down and put it on saw horses. I had to make sure that everything was level and square otherwise I will end up with a twist in the canoe and I don’t want to spend my time paddling round in circles. I mixed up some more epoxy this time it was a little thinner. I had purchased some 10ml syringes and I sucked the epoxy up in to them and squirted it in to the gap between the two planks. It was a pretty slow process and each seam took about 30 minutes. So it took me about 3-4 nights to get all the seams done.  

Next step. Remove all of those stiches.

Gluing the planks
Sasafrass 16
Guling down the Bow
Sasafrass 16

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