October 21, 2011

Fillets on the Bulk Head and in the Bow

Bulk Head Fillets
Sasafrass 16
With everything stitched in place I mixed up some thickened Epoxy loaded it in to a plastic lunch bag and squeezed it in to the join between the hull planks and the bulk heads, then started to smooth it all out with a tongue depressor. It was not very easy to make a nice smooth finish and I am sure more practice would make it easier but I got there in the end. I spread thickened epoxy on the joint for both sides of the bulk head and just kept smoothing it out until I was happy. The inside of the bulk head was harder than the outside because there was so little room to work.

Then I did the same thin to the inside of the bow and the stern. Squeezing in a large amount of thickened epoxy and spreading out until it looked good. Then I got out a strip of fiberglass about 75mm wide and covered the epoxy in the bow and the stern and wet it out with unthickened epoxy. This was even harder to spread out as it just wanted to run to the bottom of the boat. I worked the fiberglass tape until the epoxy started to cure and I finally convinced myself to stop fiddling with it and let it set.

The ends are now set in place and won’t be going anywhere….. I hope I have got them right

Bow/Stern Fillets
Sasafrass 16
Bow/Stern Fillets
Sasafrass 16

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