September 29, 2011

Drilling Holes

The next step was to start drilling holes, about 150 holes. I made up a special gauge that was 1" wide and had 2 hols drilled on its centre line 6" apart. I then drilled 1 hole on the top of plank #4 at one end drilling through the gauge, while the drill was still in the plank I spun it roundand lined up the edge of the plank with the edge of the gauge. Then drilled the next hole and repeated this process for the full lenght of the plank. What you end up with is holes evenly spaced every 6" for the full lenght of the plank and all of them are 1/2" away from the edge of the plank. I drilled the 2 matching planks at the same time. you then repat the process laong the top of plank #3 & #2, then all the way aroung plank #1.

For some strange reason this was somthing I was really looking forward to doing. It seemd like this ment that i was really making process. The hole process only took about 30 minutes and it was over but it Felt good.

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